
The triangular triangle is most often seen in the company of symphony orchestras. But like any other musical instrument, it can be used in whatever genre of music you prefer. There are basically no rules for that.

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The sound of a triangle is bright and delicate - almost feminine. And like all small percussion instruments, there's more to the triangle than meets the eye.

With the small triangular instrument you can make a wide range of sounds. You can vary the sound by striking the inside or outside of the triangle. And you can slow down the sound with your fingers.

How to get the most out of your triangle

The easiest way to play a triangle freely is to hang it on a stand so you have both hands free while playing. Alternatively, you can hang the triangle loosely on one finger and use the other hand to play. However, slowing down the sound with your fingers can be a challenge when you have to hold the triangle in your hand at the same time. And you want to be able to slow down the sound. Otherwise, all the notes blend together and it's hard to get anything rhythmic out of the instrument.

When you get good at the triangle, you can open up a universe of sounds that can tell its own story. Buy a triangle on this page or check out more percussion instruments here.