Multi effects

Multi effects are for those who love to experiment. With multi-effects you can expand your stringed instrument with a world of tones and sounds. Almost like having an entire sound studio in your pocket.

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What are multi-effects?

Multi-effects are - as the word almost gives away - several effects in one. Typically in the form of a pedal with multiple buttons. The multi-pedal is probably the closest you'll get to having the entire sound studio at your feet. You get almost endless possibilities to experiment with sounds and effects without having to invest in too many individual effects pedals to begin with. A great way to save both space and money.

Effects like overdrive and distortion are used by most guitarists. Overdrive provides a mild distortion - a distortion of the sound. It's especially good for soft rock, pop and blues. Distortion is full-blown distortion. Think hard rock and heavy metal.

But why stop there? If you want to experiment with more sounds and effects, a good multi-pedal is a huge advantage. You get everything in one unit: modulation, chorus, flanger, delay, reverb, envelope and more.

The multi-pedal is especially good for the beginner who wants to try their hand or for the seasoned musician who is drowning in their own gear.

What the effects sound like on your multi-effects pedal

Of course, effects sound different, but here's a brief overview of three of the most commonly used effects.


The Chorus effect makes your guitar sound less lonely. It splits the sound and gives the impression that there is more than one instrument in play. A great effect for when you want more volume in your guitar playing.


The flanger effect is anything but discrete - more like outer space. It adds a spacey undertone to your sound, making it almost psychedelic. It's something you notice, so it's an effect that should be treated with respect.


Reverb - or reverbaration - means reverberation in Danish. The reverb effect is an imitation of reverb. Imagine playing in a relatively empty room with a high ceiling - it could be a hall or a church. The reverb pedal mimics the natural effect that this type of room has on the sound. A really nice effect that produces a beautiful and rich sound.